Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dầu cách điện – Insulating oils

  1. Lấy mẫu

    Có nhiều tiêu chuẩn qui định lấy mẫu dầu cách điện hay dầu biến thế tùy thuộc chỉ tiêu thử nghiệm bạn muốn đánh giá như sau:

  • ASTM D 923 - Standard practice for sampling electrical insulating liquids
  • ASTM D 3613 - Standard practice for sampling electrical insulating oils for gas analysis and determination of water content
  • IEC 60475 - Method of sampling liquid dielectrics
  • IEC 60567 - Guide for the sampling of gases and of oil from oil-filled electrical equipment and for the analysis of free and dissolved gases
  • Do not use small sampling port on side of the drain valve
  1. Đánh giá

    Dầu cách điện thông thường có 4 loại,

  • Silicon based oil
  • Mineral oil
  • Synthetic oils
  • Ester / Vegetable oils

Chúng ta nên nhớ rằng "A test is only as good as the sample", và hầu hết các máy biến thế sử dụng dầu cách điện có nguồn gốc dầu khoáng (mineral oil) nên lấy ASTM D 3487 – Satndard specification for mineral insulating oil used in electrical apparatus để đánh giá. Các chỉ tiêu chính của dầu biến thế

  • Interfacial tension (Measure of contamination) – ASTM D 971
  • Acidity (Measure of oxidation) – ASTM D 2440, D 2112
  • Moisture (Decreases dielectric)
  • Dielectric breakdown – ASTM D 877, D 1816
  • Power Factor (Indication of contamination and deterioration) – ASTM D 924
  • Color – ASTM D 1500
  • Dissolved gas analysis (H2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C2H2)
  • Water – ASTM D 1533
Translated and annotated by oilmanvn, January 2009

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

ISO/TS 29001:2003 - Quality Management System

ISO/TS 29001 First edition was published on September 15, 2003, see ISO Press Release for details. ISO/TS 29001:2003 was prepared to provide supplemental requirements to ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems – Requirements and, accordingly, includes the original text of ISO 9001:2000 unaltered and in its entirety as boxed text, while the supplemental requirements are outside the boxes.

ISO/TS 29001:2003 was prepared in cooperation with the American Petroleum Institute in a joint working group between ISO/TC67/WG2 with liaison from ISO/TC176/SC2, and the API SC18 Q1 Task Force. The original text of ISO/TS 29001:2003 unaltered and in its entirety has been adopted as the Quality Management System (QMS) within API Spec Q1 Seventh edition, June 15, 2003, Effective date December 15, 2003. API Spec Q1 also includes, as Annex A, the provisions for the API Monogram Program; this Program is proprietary to API and is not included in ISO/TS 29001:2003.

The questions and issues addressed here have arisen from various parts of the industry and the responses have been developed based on the best information available to the Management Committee (MC) of ISO/TC67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries, and have been endorsed by the TC67 MC for distribution to its members for information.

A brief discussion of the "infrastructure" relevant to ISO 9001 may help to clarify some of the terms and the issues relevant to ISO/TS 29001:

1 - If a Certification Body (CB) claims that it is competent to certify according ISO 9001 it can issue the certificates to any interested organization;
2 - If the CB is accredited by a National Accreditation Body (NAB) as an Accredited Certification Body (ACB) and as competent to certify according to ISO 9001 the certificate can show the NAB logo;
3 - If the NAB takes part in the Multilateral Recognition Agreement (MRA) of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) it can readily be recognized by another NAB (inside IAF/MRA). In this case the certificates issued by the ACB can show the logo of the other NAB as well. So, a certificate can be issued in one country and exhibit the logo of the NAB of another country. This ensures that the certificate is "recognized" within that other country. This rule is intended to minimize multi-accreditation by the ACBs and reduce the costs of certification.

The "infrastructure" implied by [2] and [3] above is neither in place nor currently planned with respect to ISO/TS 29001.
Note that the term Registrar is sometimes used; the definition is the same as for Certification Body.



